Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Twitter the way to Communicate

Just been watching the following link that I came across via twitter http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8113914.stm

basically a house that sends out tweets, to let people know when the lights are on windows are open energy consumption ect. It looked like there was a lot of kit involved an alot of wires. But thinking about this and the IBM advert creating smarter cities and getting devices to talk to each other. I was thinking about starting off a bit smaller than this, and try to mesh up twitter and moodle so that when a new site news article is added a tweet is sent from our moodles tweet account, then maybe expand on the idea maybe creating tweet accounts for the courses we offer so that students could be kept up to date with there course news, assignment hand ins etc as well.
Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Monday, 22 June 2009

Has it really been that long?

April was the last time I updated my blog. How time flys. Would just like to say thanks to Kate for leaving a comment on my last entry, makes me feel like someone is reading it.
Our move to Moodle is in full swing, both servers are set up and running, with a few pilot groups using it before the summer break, all with good feedback.
Over the next week the servers should be accessible from the outside ready for the big push starting on the 28th June. 9 1.5 hour training sessions to deliver in 10 days, hopefully by then all staff will be on board and preparing there areas for next term.

I am busy writing some programs to help with the creation of student accounts from the MIS system trying to make it as automated as possibly with some user customisation.

Bit of a plee here, anyone know how to render a css footer in the correct place when some of the content is produced by a database. The footer gets put before this dynamic content. Is this due to the page loading time?