With must students and staff having there own portable memory sticks portable apps http://portableapps.com/ are becoming more popular.

These are applications that can be run from memory sticks, most of these are open source, so free to use. The portableapps.com platform that can be downloaded free of charge provides a platform that looks similar to the start menu on windows. With a area on the left with all the applications you have installed on your device, then on the right a filing area for all the files on the memory stick.
There is an option to download the suite in 3 flavours, platform only, light and standard editions. All over the platform then there is the choice of abiword (just a word processor) or Open Office suite (a full freeware version of office).
Along with other apps for browsing, instant messaging, PDF reader, antivirus and audio players.
In the applications section there is even more apps to download from xampp and notepad++ for developers. There is even an options of running Mac OS Classic 7 of the stick, with a promise of a version of Linux coming soon.
So what’s this mean? Well you can have all your favourite compute programs with you all the time, carry your bookmarks and settings on your memory stick to use on any computers running windows with out leaving any personal data behind.
This is one stage removed of having your own computer on a memory stick, so the excuses of not having access to your work will soon becoming a thing of the past.
Some other websites with similar apps though in my opinion not as easy to use are http://www.makeuseof.com/
If any of you use portable apps, or know of any other good stuff that can be run from a memory stick please leave some comments